Notice: yatogami shrine uses javascript and iframes, it is highly recommended to have them both enabled while browsing the site. in addition, the site is only functionally mobile friendly, there will be some styling issues here and there, so desktop viewing is preferable. (i use firefox on a 1920 x 1080 monitor)

Welcome to Yatogami Shrine!

name's eddie. welcome to my quiet corner of the web, i hope this little shrine you've stumbled into can serve as a nice escape from the modern internet we've all grown to hate. i'm just here to play around and have fun!

yatogami shrine is my safe space. it's my way to express myself and share what i love with the world without fearing the eyes of folk on social media.

this site could be considered a hybrid between a personal site and a fan site. it's heavily themed around my special interest noragami, and a lot of the content around here will be related to it in one way or another. but that isn't all that goes on at yatogami shrine! perhaps take a look around..?

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eddie's feeling...

The current mood of yukine at

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2.0.0 - AUG 18 2024


- started site over from scratch for various reasons. this one should stick around

- unsure how to properly log all of the changes since literally everything's been overhauled lol

- there's a lot more i've done than what's currently live! more things will be rolled out gradually soon

1.1.1 - JUN 19 2024

- fixed a broken link

1.1.0 - JUN 18 2024

- added webshrines page, and the home page for first addition

- new buttons on home page

- misc edits around the site (mostly backend)

1.0.0 - JUN 7 2024

- site launch!

To Do

- finish up settings menu (most of the coding is done, this should be coming soon!) for now you can just toggle fonts on and off by clicking here!

- proper site banner

- fix links and add alt text and labels where applicable

- rss feed

- 404 page

- add the clock to the status section. i hate javascript

- code up nekoweb sitebox (still unsure what i want to do with it...)

- make more art assets for various parts of the site

- site stats section, follow on nekoweb button

- revamp guestbook page, add css to profile

- change index marquee to javascript

- work on implementing more of the planned pages - journal and sketchbook have highest priority please stop working on the webshrines eddie they can wait

- whatever else i can't think of rn these fries are too good for me to be able to use my brain